
Monday, 1 January 2018

Making Data Management Decisions 2

For LE, the most commonly endorsed response was 4 (35.68%), meaning that the life expectancy in about one-third of the countries is 65 – 75 years old. 
For IP, the most commonly endorsed response was 3 (69.95%), meaning that  70% people’s  income per person is less then 6000 .
For WEALTHstatus, the most commonly endorsed response was 3 (61.50%), meaning that 61.50% people are poor. 
For EHALTHstatus, the most commonly endorsed response was 1 (85.31%), meaning that 85.31% people are healthy. 

Making Data Management Decisions

here I submit the Assignment 3 of course  Data Management and Visualization by Wesleyan University.
I use the responses for urbanrate,WEALTHstatus, HEALTHstatus, incomeperperson and lifeexpectancy to create three new variables:IP ,LE ,urban, WEALTHstatus and HEALTHstatus.


Making Data Management Decisions 2

For LE, the most commonly endorsed response was 4 (35.68%), meaning that the life expectancy in about one-third of the countries is...